Avila in Action

Stewardship is rooted in the idea that all we have is a gift from God, and with grace we gratefully give back to God from what we have been given. In the same way the Church teaches these principles, the church itself strives to live by them. St. Teresa of Avila parish has historically given 3% of our collections to charities outside of our walls.

In 2015, the Stewardship Committee along with the Finance Council made a prayerful decision to increase our giving percentage to 6%, and to seek input from the parish on how the funds are distributed. This initiative has been named Avila in Action. Parishioners may nominate a charity of their choice to receive Avila in Action grant funds.

The Stewardship Committee will review applications during the application window. Determination of the year’s grant award recipients and award amounts will take place in August. Following any necessary research and follow up, distributions are made by September 30th.

The application window will be open from June 15th – July 31st.  Applications will only be accepted through electronic form submission on our website.  Questions may be directed to Rebecca O’Brien at robrien@stteresaparish.org or (773) 528-6650.



Apply for a 2018 Avila in Action Grant