Finance Council

What We Do
The St. Teresa Finance Council reviews the financial documents and position of the parish and advises the pastor and business manager on financial matters, including the preparation of the annual parish budget.

Individuals interested in joining the Finance Council should have an interest in guiding the financial health and future of the parish.  Members of the Council consist of the parish community and are representative of its diversity.  A background in accounting, finance, law, business management, or communication is helpful, but not required.

Typical responsibilities of the Finance Council include:

  • Advise the pastor and business manager on financial matters.
  • Review parish budget and financial statements.
  • Monitor expenses and revenue sources.
  • Explore other alternative revenue sources including Sunday collections, special collections, trusts, rentals, and various fund raisers.

Time Commitment
The Finance Council meets on the third Monday of every month.  The Council may meet more frequently as circumstances warrant.

How to Get Involved
If you are interested in joining the Finance Council, please contact Finance Council chair, Matt Donner, at or Maggie Fernandez, Business Manager, at (773) 528-6650.

Financial Statements