First Summer SPRED Mass, June 3

St. Teresa’s SPRED group shares with our parish its first summertime SPRED Mass June 3rd at 6:00 pm. All are welcome to attend.

SPRED stands for SPecial REligious Development, an archdiocesan program ministering religious growth and development to our friends with special needs.

St. Teresa’s SPRED program is for our friends from 11 to 16 years of age. St. Vincent de Paul and Immaculate Conception parishes are also in our deanery and minister to friends of different age groups. Our Mass uses music and movements to interpret the psalms, readings and the Gospel.

Please come join us June 3rd at 6:00 pm for this beautiful and inspirational way to experience Mass.

St. Teresa SPRED is looking for more catechists. If you are interested, please contact the parish office.