A Message from the RMC Discernment Team
There are now two proposed scenarios under discussion for the Renew My Church (RMC) initiative. But first, what can you do?
- Pray for our parish, the parishes in our grouping, and for the discernment teams
- Start thinking of how to reach out to other parishes and consider the ways we can collaborate
- Attend mass
- Bring a friend to mass
- Please share any suggestions or thoughts to each of us: Barb McHugh (bdmchugh@mac.com), Ellen Moiani (ellen.moiani@gmail.com Justin Alden (Justin.alden@gmail.com). You can download the feedback form here.
Archdiocesan Initial Scenario A
The Archdiocese RMC committee feels the staffing and property ownership structure in our grouping is unique because the Redemptorists both staff and own the property at St. Michael and the Vincentians both staff and own the property at St. Vincent de Paul. The Archdiocese RMC committee also feels the relatively recent unification of Immaculate Conception and St. Joseph parishes is also important to take into account. So, here is the Arch- diocese RMC committee initial scenario:
“St. Michael, St. Vincent de Paul, and ICSJ each remain in their current structures. St. Teresa of Avila and St. Josaphat would unite as one canonical parish with two active worship sites. This assumes that St. Josaphat’s current capital campaign will be able to address the church facility’s capital needs. St. Josaphat School would serve as the parish school.”
Alternative Scenario B
“For a period of three years, all parishes in the grouping retain their canonical status and each have a pastor. During this time, active collaboration among the parishes – either all five or as two sub-groups of Lincoln Park and Old Town – takes place. For example, shared ministry in terms of RCIA, religious education, marriage and baptism preparation, adult education and formation, youth ministry and young adult ministry takes place. Instead of each parish having its own min- istry, the pastors, in consultation with staff and parishioners, determine how best to share resources. This could result in cost savings for the parishes and break down silos between parish communities.
In addition, the parishes actively collaborate together on the Phase 5 plan of evangelization to engage Catholics who are already present in our area. There is no need to wait until new development takes place since, according to census data provided by the archdiocese, there are already 18,000 Catholics within our parish boundaries, of which only 3,000 attend mass. This addi- tional time would allow parishes to complete capital campaigns and address maintenance needs.
At the end of the three years, we re-evaluate. If things are not moving in a positive direction, we revisit possibilities and provide input to the archdiocese to make a decision.”
We Invite You
We invite you to review our parish grouping data report for background and history on the parishes in our grouping and explore the links below for additional information. Let us hold each other and the other parish communities in our grouping in prayer as we enter this time of rededication to our faith in Jesus Christ and planning for the future.