Have you heard of Giving Tuesday? Its a nationwide initiative focused on the spirit of giving. With Black Friday and Cyber Monday, #GivingTuesday gives charities, families, individuals and churches around the world a chance to come together for one common purpose: to celebrate the spirit of giving. Need some inspiration? Watch our video, read on below or donate now.
Give Treasure
Sign up for automated regular contributions or make your Christmas Gift early this year. Your donations support our faith community, our ministries, and those in need. And as a part of Avila in Action, St. Teresa’s commitment to giving back, 6% of our collections are given to worthy causes separate from our own ministries.
Give Time
This advent we introduce a new, simple and social way to serve: Sign up to serve hot chocolate during “Saturdays in Advent.” Many people pass by our church every day. What better way to welcome the stranger than by opening our doors and offering a warm cup of cocoa and our beautiful church as a place to stop in and warm up. All the supplies and instructions will be provided for you. Sign up here.
Our parish offers weekly food pantry distributions and Loaves & Fishes meals to the poor, a meal on the streets alongside the Night Ministry, a program to sponsor and support refugees. We couldn’t do all of this without our volunteers. Have questions? Email Rebecca at robrien@stteresaparish.org.
Give Often
#GivingTuesday is so much more than one day in December. Pledge to do more the following year. For instance, you can give a certain amount every month to a charity or pledge to volunteer every month. The idea is to continue to give back during the year ahead.